Hi, we are SGU Pet Owner Alliance. Our goal is to share helpful information about bring pets to Grenada. We offer support to pet owners and pets since 2017.
Founded by Gabby, Christy, Mellow, Jan
Special thanks to Krista Godbey for her years of dedication to volunteering and helping support students and their pet companions.
Admin of 2019-22
Krista Godbey
Jan Wen Wei
Christy Tripp
Moderator of 2019-22
Ireny Barsoum
Danielle MacStudy
Admin of 2023
Krista Godbey
Alexis Longley
Christy Tripp
Jan Wen Wei
Moderator of 2023
Jillian Chiesa
Tramone Z Hester
Kendra Davis
Ireny Barsoum
Danielle MacStudy

Bring your pet from Canada to Grenada
Make sure to follow the Canadian Government’s website for updates Jul.2.2021
Canadian International Health Certificate
Travel documents for your pets
Steps to take to travel from Canada to Grenada with your pet
Some helpful steps to get your CFIA certificate/endorsement if needed
Call your local/current veterinarian to get your veterinary health certificate
The Ministry of Agriculture in Grenada also provided our organization with a document for some requirements.
Small Animal Clinic (SAC) in Grenada. This animal clinic is run by SGU
Pet Friendly Housing Ads
Note: We are not responsible for any dispute with rental issues.